Monday, September 8, 2008

Snow Lake and Samderella

Grey Jay at Snow Lake
Originally uploaded by samknox
This summer, we've not had nearly enough time in the mountains, what with the house, the kittens, and my hurt foot. Oh, and saving up vacation time for England. So, we decided to go for a day hike.
Snow Lake is the most popular trail in the Mountain Lakes Wilderness, due to its proximity to Seattle, ease of ascent, and stunning beauty. We generally avoid these trails, but we wanted a dose of subalpine beauty without a huge time commtiment, so we joined the conga line and up we went.
Three easy and beautiful miles later, we found ourselves on an enourmous boulder overlooking the lake. Soon joined by camp robbers, we discovered that these may be the most tame wild birds ever. When Sam held his arm up to shade the sun, one nearly took a perch! We weren't planning on feeding them until that. Then of course we had to each give it a try. Sam looked like a fairy tale character, he was so covered in woodland creatures.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Cute! That little jay was hoping for a handout from that hand...