Saturday, September 27, 2008

Homesick now

We could think of no more fitting way to spend our second to last day in Newcastle than by attending a football match. We slept in a bit at Simon's, mostly shook off the exertions of last night on the town, and wandered into the team store to get tickets. According to our friends here, there's been a great deal of drama within the home team's leadership, leading up to the sudden departure of the manager (we would say coach) the day we first arrived here. Today's match was N.U.'s third or fourth without a leader, and the team has not been doing well. They are a good team, it's just that morale is in the toilet right now. So today's match was an instructive one for us: we were really there more for the people-watching than for the actual game, and the crowd obliged by being large, mostly supportive of the team, and extraordinarily vocal. You see, soccer fans don't just yell, they sing. In unison. All 53,000 of them. It was awesome!

We are having a great time here, but we both feel ready to head home soon. It's hard work being a stranger in a strange land, and we really miss our friends, colleagues, and cats. After all, there's no place like home. See you soon.


Unknown said...

It comes in pints here too - hurry home.


Unknown said...

You have no idea how jealous I am :)