Monday, September 22, 2008

Romani ite domum!

Vallum Hadriani
Originally uploaded by samknox
It's big. It's long. It's hard. It's craggy. It's covered in sheep.

We walked a long time and learned that stone in the north of England only need be quarried once every couple of millenia: what was a wall became a castle which became a farmhouse - all within a stones' throw of one another. Reduce, reuse, recycle indeed. As our current culture can't seem to merely get a grip on something as simple as aluminum cans, it doesn't seem to bode well. There is only so many times you can reuse chipboard and sheetrock, after all.

When we return, ask us and we will tell you the tale of Devil Mare. We had a huge dinner here at Willowford Farm, and we must now sleep. Just for the record, all day I've alternated between feeling that I'm walking through either a Hogarth painting or an episode of "All Creatures Great and Small." In either case, Sam has no idea what i'm referring to. Finally found good local dark beer, and found the entrance to the Mines of Moria. Sleep now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

every day I rush home to read the latest posting and feel like I am walking with you. Can't wait to see the pictures and hear the tales
