Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hotspur! (Not the musical.)

Well here we are on one of our last days out and about and it was a good one. Not only was it our ninth wedding anniversary, it was sunny and we got to explore a spectacular castle ruin near the equally fine coastal town of Amble. The castle overlooks a small bay and the North Sea beyond. We found it hard to photograph due to its size and general complexity. The best part was the three-story keep which we ran all around in and felt quite lost in a bygone century.

We had Angus' nephew Simon with us who was kind enough to drive us to each of our destinations today. We started out the day in search of 'proper' fish and chips which took us to no less than three coastal towns before we found our quarry. 'Proper' must come in newspaper, be comprised of a large chunk of fried fish and deep-fried or 'batter' sausage should be on the menu as well.

We spent the afternoon in Alnwick gardens, which were not as cool as advertised, but had some pretty neat water sculptures. Even though it's hard by Alnwick castle, the garden is cunningly designed so as to allow no views of the Duke and Duchess of Northumberland's residence. The treehouse was a highlight, although tea was not available at four pm, but it did feel as if we'd gone to Endor, sans Ewoks.

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