Friday, August 14, 2009

Hiking while pregnant

Over the first weekend of August, Sam, Ryan, Jodi, and I went for a four-day backpacking trip in the Goat Rocks. I have never hiked while six months pregnant, and all in all I think it went pretty well. I certainly feel accomplished to have met this major goal!

The area is where I have been hiking since I was first allowed to go with Dad on "Big Hikes," and where Sam and I spent our honeymoon. This being the year of our 10th anniversary, the trip had even more significance for us. We were prevented from going up the drainage of the North Fork of the Tieton River by a forest fire, so we went up the South Fork to the McCall Basin instead. It was interesting viewing the landmarks we know and love so much from the rear, as it were.

I am so thankful that I was able to make this trip, and grateful to the other three hikers for allowing me to take my time and carry a little less weight. I could not have done it without lots of help from my friends.

The best part of the trip? Aside from the company and the sheer thrill of accomplishment, it would have to be the wildflower display. I have never seen such a lush bloom as this! It was also great to see a herd of over 30 mountain goats cavorting on a snow field. And of course Sam's "Frog Stomp" is not to be forgotten.

The worst part of hiking six months pregnant? It's a tie between trying to find a comfortable sleeping posture on the Therm-a-Rest (always a challenge!), and wearing the pack's hip belt really really low - right over the bladder, as if the kid himself doesn't put enough pressure there. By the way, we decided that if he comes out showing any effect from Mama's pack wearing, we're gonna nickname him "Bucklehead."

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